I have a problem connecting my IC9700 with the SDR-console. I'm using the 2m-Band for receiving QO-100 and 70cm-Band for transmitting. I put the transceiver into SAT-mode and can work in SSB very fine (upconverter by sg-labs, down converter from dxpatrol). Working in digital modes like FT8 I received via SDR-RTL to SDR-console untill now.
What I want: also receive and transmit digital modes only via the IC-9700.
What I have done:
First (for test) only receiving: Connecting IC-9700 via USB-cable to SDR-console V3.3 with omnirig v1.2 (v2.1 is brings up errors). I can see the frequency from TCVR in the window and in the little "radio rig" of omnirig of the SDR console, it's changing with the frequency of the TCVR. But no waterfall, nothing My main problem is not to know, what radio definitions I have to do in the SDR console....
2. I tried the same by connecting the TCVR via CI-V cable to the computer, the same behaviour!
3. I've read most of the articles here in the forum and using google regarding SDR console and TCVR IC-9700/7300 ...
Who can help?
Is the described way correct at all or is it impossible?
Should I rather buy an an adalm pluto instead of the up- and down converter?
TNX and 73 de Peter.