Why not just remove the limits - if the user want's to do something silly that's their prerogative.
Software DVB-S demodulator
@GOMJW: normally i like the idea of giving the users maximum freedom when it comes to settings, but the majority of SDRs have fixed limits set by the manufacturer. Exceeding those limits normally doesn't do anything, it simply won't work. Of course the PlutoSDR is an exception here. I need min/max values for the UI sliders. But i could make those values adjustable by editing the device.ini. I think that's what i'll do.
Un altro test sr 250 dopo i miei test sul QO-100 stasera 10/06/2020 di sera alle 22.00, l'amico Nico ON7NDR riceve con il programma DVBs_gui che ha ricevuto con ottimi risultati dopo molti test per due settimane con una parabola da 1 metro da avere 7 dB con un SR 250 FEC 1/2 fatto test anche H264 poca prestazione ma ha funzionato ad alta risoluzione H265 Non ho parole, di tutto ciò che faccio, ho solo per il mio hobby
Bit cheeky Marcel, but is there any chance of the Pluto Frequency extension before the weekend? It's the only route I have for DATV reception on 5.7GHz as SDRAngel won't run on my WIn 7 laptop (portable unit).
Picture shows the set-up, twin Flat-plate antennas @ 22dBi, 10 Watt Ferranti surplus amp and my Pluto. No changeover relays were harmed in making this! DVBExpress for TX, DVBS-GUI for RX....please
ok, i'll upload a new file in about 5min.
edit: Done! Build date is 12.06.2020 20:35:33
Thanks Marcel, I'll test it out in the field tomorrow. It's certainly working on my desktop machine
Where do you set the Pluto IP address?
Ah - what a pity.
Just the same as via USB. It's a virtual ethernet connection. IE your software is using iio so should already work if you allow the ethernet address to be changed.
Not it is possible add the Modcode option and memorys to you excelent program? I m running with SDRPlay1, HckRF, Adalm-Pluto, AirSpy ... and for me, the better for receive DATV on QO-100 is the SDRPlay1.
73,s de Jabi, ea2aru.
Hi, tomorrow i'll release a new version with a few experimental features. Those are:
TCP Server for MPEGTS output and a parser for MPEGTS SDT tables. Station names (and callsigns) will be shown inside the FFT plot.
Ok. I am waiting.
73,s de Jabi, ea2aru.
Version 2.0.18
Download: http://v.1337team.tk/dvb-s_gui_amsat.zip
- Fixed crash when changing the samplerate for LimeSDRDevice class.
- Added TCP server for MPEGTS output.
- Changed the TX button to a dropdown list where UDP or TCP mode can be selected.
- Added new config options "ip_out_addr", "ip_out_port" and "ip_out_mode"
- The MPEGTS TEI bit (Transport error indicator) is now set when LDPC decoding fails.
- Added parser for MPEGTS SDT Tables. Program names are be shown inside the FFT Plot.
- The Filter drowdown box for the IQ plot is working now.
- Removed the checkbox for enabling/disabling symbol interpolation. No need to turn it off.
Tnx Marcel !
VLC Player won't Show the Video, no matter if i select TCP or UDP.
What's wrong now?