Hi all,
My plan is to put a H265 signal on the WB of QO-100.
I know there are small black-boxes, HDMI in and UTP out who can do the job.
But i have already all the hardware in my computer, so why not use it.
H264 is not the problem, can put a good picture on the satellite.
My system:
Hardware Intel I7 cpu with a GTX1650 video card, Adalm-Pluto
Software Windows-10, OBS studio, OBS-VirualCamera, FFMpeg and VLC
All software and drivers are updated to theire latest versions.
This is my bat file:
ffmpeg -f dshow -rtbufsize 1M -i video="OBS-Camera" -thread_queue_size 512 -f dshow -i audio="OBS-Audio"
-vcodec hevc_nvenc -r 10 -s 1280x720 -pix_fmt yuv420p -preset slow -rc cbr -rc-lookahead 5 -b:v 90k -acodec aac
-aac_coder twoloop -ar 48000 -ac 1 -b:a 24k -f mpegts -muxrate 160k -streamid 0:256 -streamid 1:257
-max_delay 3000000 -pcr_period 40 -pat_period 0.4 "udp://"
With the GTX 1650 nvidia encoder it should be possible to make H265.
Can start a movie in OBS via VirtualCam so i can watch it in ffplay and VLC.
It is also possible to send it via my pluto to QO-100
Only in the following modes "-vcodec libx264, -vcodec libx265 and -vcodec H264_nvenc"
Audio en Video are all fine.
But now "-vcodec hevc_nvenc" can play it in ffplay, nice audio and video, but can't play it in VLC and send it to my pluto.
In VLC only the first 1 or 2 seconds there is video than the pictures freezes, but the audio continues (with good quality)
On my Pluto the same effect as with VLC.
Does someone a idea to solve this nasty problem.
After more than two weeks of testing and trying, now running out of options.
Thanks in advance,