Nice polish forum with lots of pics from DRO & PLL LNBs:
vy73 DB8TF
Nice polish forum with lots of pics from DRO & PLL LNBs:
vy73 DB8TF
How about this article, a very complete and actual overview of 10GHz LNB's.
73 de PAoP
Done the oh2aue mod on my GM201 and it works good.
But if you want to do this mod you need badass soldering skills
vy73 DB8TF
Hello Kai,
slide 16...
/Michael, oh2aue
Aah Yes - sorry i overlooked that.
I have two questions concerning the modification of the LNB for external reference.
1st: In the GM 201 mod you mention that the capacitive pads of the removed xtal can stay in place - does this mean that they can also be removed ?
2nd: Can you give me some hints for removing the xtal ? When I see the huge soldering pads and the small part that can be reached with the soldering iron (when the xtal is still in place) it looks like you have to "cook" the PCB to desolder the xtal....
Any advice - also from oher forum readers - is welcome
73 de Johannes
@ DL5RDI Hallo Johannes,
bei Reichelt gibt es eine brauchbare Heißluftlötstation für 79,95 €.
73 Hans-Jochen, DK1MG
thanks for your answers. But I do not want to spend 30 or 80€ to modify a € 2,95 LNB ;-).
The easiest and cheapest method is to destroy the XTAL (e.g. with a DREMEL), so you have access to the two pins "through" the desrtoyed housing of the quarz and than you can remove the housing and desolder each leg seperately.
Thanks to Rudi - DK5RQ for this great idea !
Now I modified an OCTAGON and a GM201 each for external reference.
The OCTAGON was a piece of cake - the GM201 needs really skilled hands and eyes and a portion of luck.
73 de Johannes
Johannes, it can be done with 2 soldering irons heating both sides at same time. Just take your time until xtal moves. After, cool the pcb down ...
Picture below of an Opticum LSP-02G, xtal was removed that way. Note: these LNBs goes down only to 24.183 MHz @ room temperature. At lower ref. frq. PLL became completely unstable - strong wobbling. One should always check its operation with spectrum analyser.
Can you give me some hints for removing the xtal ?