To all of you..the version 3.08 is now available for downlink.. enjoy this..

SDR Console from Simon
Now i finally found the time to take a look at Simons drift correction approach and it works really good as long as the psk beacon is stable and available
The PC running SDR Console needs a not too old CPU, with a dual core Pentium t4300 it runs smooth.
So finally no more need for modified LNBs
But still the LNBs with "wobbling" won't work satisfying on that solution.
vy73s DB8TF
DB8TF ok cause Flo..that is true.. the main issue is when someone do a recommendation for an LNB and you order never know whether you get the same version like in the recomendation when you receive it.. the market is changing so quick.. and the people dealing with this do not know what we need here.. we are not mainstream..mainstream is time..and turnover.. not to produce a product over a long time to a fixed specification... that is the world we are living in.. forced by profit and markets...
Hello everybody, I need help. SDR Console does start but does not work with my RTL dongle. I got it once running. But on another day it doesn't. I installed, reinstalled Zadig drivers (as user and as admin and so on), same with SDR Console. Cleaned Appdata path, registry ...
When I open SDR console, I can choose the device and Console starts. But no waterfall, no sound, nothing. When I close SDR Console, it does not close. I have to terminate it. It even crashes when I press the "stop" button.
Hardware is OK, CubicSDR works fine. What is going wrong here?
Problem with TX with SDR Console and ADALM Pluto
after successfully experimenting with "analog" up- and downlink equipment I started to experiment with the ADALM PLUTO and SDR-Console 3.10.
The RX-setup is nearly "plug and play" and is running fine.
But I have problems with the TX. When I switch to TX I can heare a rising of the noiselevel in a receiver next to the Pluto aat 2400MHz, but I can not find a real signal. When I watch the meters (Power, ALC etc) of SDR console they also show "0" which means no signal output. Even when I put the sliders for Gain, Power.... to 100%. I suspected my MIC, but also when I use TONE or TUNE no signal output is shown or can be heard.
BTW. There is a constant carrier on 2400.117 even when the Pluto is just in RX.
I use a old Thosiba TECRA Laptop (I have to run SDR Console in "Realtime"in Win 10 to have no drop outs in RX). (The usage of the MIC is allowed in the security settings)
(In the Pluto I made the software frequency expansion (70MHZ-6GHZ) and activated the 2nd processor core by software - but this should all have no effect on my "problem")
Perhaps someone can give me a hint what I am doing wrong.
73 de Johannes
I first want to thank Heiner (DD0KP) for the hint to ask Mathias.
My special thanks goes to Mathias (DD1US) who assisted me by phone in making the right setting in SD console to get the Pluto work also in TX with this superbe software (thanks to Simon !).
Thank you very much for the help and solving my problem !!
73 de Johannes
SDR Console Pluto and carrier suppression
My equipment is SDR-Console -> PLUTO -> Bandfilter (2.4GHz) -> 2* SPF5189
Now I have the possibility to receive this signal with an Norsat 2500 2.4GHz to 144MHz Satellite Down Converter into RSP1A with SDR-Console on another PC.
If microphone is mute and TX ON I see the carrier. He disappears when TX OFF.
If microphone is unmute I see the carrier between my speech.
The carrier is abt. 30-35dB down. Any chance to optimize this ??
Many thanks
Hallo, bekomme eine deutsche Fehlermeldung beim Start von SDR-Console, mit der ich nichts anfangen kann, vlt. weiss jemand was das ist und wie man dem begegnet. Hello, i get an error in german language, therefore i write in german, sri..
Error: Server ist ausgelastet Dieser Vorgang kann nicht ausgeführt werden, da die andere Anwendung aktiv ist. Klicken sie auf "Wechseln zu" um zu der anderen Anwendung zu wechseln und das Problem zu beheben.
Wie so oft gibt Windows (10 hier) keine Auskunft, welche Anwendung das sein könnte und ich starte auf diesem Rechner nichts ausser SDR-Console. Kann sich jemand einen Reim drauf machen?
Nach denm Klicken auf "Wechseln zu" öffnet sich das Startmenü von Win10 und das Fenster "Select Radio" der Console. Alles arbeitet normal, aber es nervt eben. Jemand?
Succede anche a me ....since V3.0.17
have the same problem some times a go...
Did you install the program as "administrator"??
I have deinstall the program completely with a deinstall program.
than i reinstal the program as "adminitrator" and the problem was gone...
to be sure...dowload the programm again also....
Moved the thread from forum Software to forum SDR Console.