does anyone has a solution how to get a PTT out signal from SDR Console to switch transverter or pa?
The typically used RTS signal of the RS-232 interface is probably not supported ...
does anyone has a solution how to get a PTT out signal from SDR Console to switch transverter or pa?
The typically used RTS signal of the RS-232 interface is probably not supported ...
Hallo Robert,
Kan dein trx diese arbeit nicht machen via Extenal Radio von Sdrconsole?
Can your trx dont do the job via the External Radio?
danke für die Antwort,
Nein, externer TRX bei Portabelbetrieb nicht vorhanden, nur PLUTO und PA ....
tnx for fast response,
no extern TRX for portable, only PLUTO and PA ...
NB oder WB Robert??
NB, mit Haedset, also ohne Faustmikrofon mit PTT.
Fur WB gibt es mehrere moglichkeiten
for WB there are several options
Google "ptt with pluto"
I realised the PTT switch by using the GP0 0 and GP0 1 from PLUTO for WB, but did not work with SDR Console on NB :_(
Hallo Robert...
i am using console 3.0.21 with Pluto Firmware F5OEO ("beta for the brave") and PTT out via GPIO0,1 works on my Plutos ...in NB and WB- Mode - but the switch on/off delay is a bit long. (maybe 0.5-1s)
maybe anyone other can confirm
73 de michael dg0opk
Michael, did you make any settings in SDR Console for using the GPIO0 and 1 ? Or work this basicly ?
Michael, did you make any settings in SDR Console for using the GPIO0 and 1 ? Or work this basicly ?
it works basically... no changes in settings were made in SDR Console.
73 de dg0opk
thats it: I´ve changed to the "beta for the brave", now it works ....
thanks for the hint!
73 Robert
look to this thread.
PTT over Ethernet
SDR-Console supports PTT-IN (USB to TTL Adapter) and PTT-OUT (HID kompatible USB-relay).
The USB to TTL-Adapter should contain a FT232 Chip from FTDI. A status line can be configured and used with a microfon button. It works with VOX also.
The output relay must follow the HID-Rules (Human Interface Device).
To bring the PTT-Signal to the amplifier use two POE-Adapters on each end of the Ethernet cable. There is no distance limit.
The GPIO-Port of the Pluto gives a PTT-Signal also. This requires firmware from F5OEO. Unfortunately there is a delay of about 800ms between Tx on and PTT-out at the GPIO-Port. Evariste, F5OEO told me, this can be reduced.
There is no matter for DATV. But fast SSB-Talking is much better without this delay.
That's why, I prefer the POE-Adapters.
Hello Andreas,
I found no possibility to use the USB-relay (HID)
for PTT. I can switch on and off, but not in connection with PTT.
How to configure this?
GPIO works with the last firmware from F5OEO, with the known delay ....
73´s de Robert
The output relay must follow the HID-Rules
Whats the HID-Rules?
The relais must be in the system control as a HID device. There could be a conflict to load the driver if you have old Prolific chips as a comport. Then just delete them, install the relais board as HID and then the Prolific drivers again.
Hello Heiner,
thanks for your hint. Now it works, but its tricky ....
I got this USB relay configuration screen only after set enable the relay field, Save, and restart SDR Console ...
before nothing happened.
Thats it, problem solved. All works fine ..
73´s de Robert
For those who might be interested, I pass you the information on this board to be integrated directly into the pluto's case and which provides 2 independent and isolated PTT outputs of 0.5A. It exploits GP0 and GP1 commands and totally works with SDR Console and PlutoDVB from F5OEO. So no USB configuration to do.
Here some pictures of the board integrated in the PlutoSDR
Hallo Christian,
using the Plutos GPIO-Port to get a PTT-Signal means a delay of 800ms. Look at my report about PTT over Ethernet.
It is just some postings before. The POE-Adapters are very cheap and can simply be sticked between the Ethernet-Connectors.
800ms delay are not problematic for DATV but for SSB and CW.
Beside this the USB-Relays for PTT-Input and output allow a hardware switch may be integrated in a microphon. From my point of view it feels better then pushing the TX-Button with a mouse.
Pluto have no GPIO but only GPO.
Ethernet "transit" times should not be confused with the switching delay. The relay switches as soon as the Adalm Pluto is transmitted in a few tens of milliseconds or even less depending on the software method implemented. See details on this Wiki Analog Device steering Power Amp page.
Here's a well-known tip for those who don't like to use the mouse to turn SDRConsole in transmit : Press the F5 keyboard key.
Another possibility: a footswitch connected to the serial port of your PC. Details on https://www.sdr-radio.com/ptt