Thank you for that vry useful for remote access, wish my brain was better at understanding all this.
Thanks again.
Thank you for that vry useful for remote access, wish my brain was better at understanding all this.
Thanks again.
Display MoreOUAH !
Merci Roberto, I will test it today.
The up converter I am using is the BU-500 from Hides.
All the details here :…f=7&t=284&start=150#p2045
73 qro de michel, hb9dug
Hi Michel, Evariste F5OEO just compiled the new "2408" firmware with the changes on the LO transverter that i developed tonight.
Thanks Evariste!
I have tested the new 2408 version regarding this change and it works fine
There is still a bug in the version indication but if you want you can fix it by hand and save
Now available to everyone without patch
Roberto IS0GRB
Thank you for that vry useful for remote access, wish my brain was better at understanding all this.
Thanks again.
Your Pluto is connected via usb or ethernet ?
if it is via ethernet you simply have to upgrade the new firmware with your web brouwser .....
Best regards
ON1RC Chris
Your Pluto is connected via usb or ethernet ?
if it is via ethernet you simply have to upgrade the new firmware with your web brouwser .....
Best regards
ON1RC Chris
Hello Chris
It is connected via Ethernet with a USB to Ethernet adaptor, I know I can update the DATV firmware via the browser page pluto.php, but I had assumed, possibly wrongly, that to do an upgrade from 0.31 to 0.32 I needed to do it via the USB disk method?
This was down to needing to transfer the files boot.dfu, boot.frm, Pluto.dfu, uboot-env.dfu and the version 0.32 pluto.frm which then meant the DATV firmware was overwritten and pluto.php web page was no longer there?
Hi Adrian, if you want to update the firmware manually via command line SSH retrieving the update via internet you can send this commands:
-For those who do not have the USB / Ethernet adapter, they must first give this command and enable connection sharing on their pc:
# route add default gw usb0
See my guide: How to connect Adalm Pluto to the Internet without using the USB / Ethernet adapter
-If you have the USB / Ethernet adapter you can start from here:
# cd /www/uploaded_files/
# wget
Connecting to (
pluto.frm 100% |********************************| 26.7M 0:00:00 ETA
# /root/ /www/uploaded_files/pluto.frm
So the Pluto start update procedure
Roberto IS0GRB
upgrade from 0.31 to 0.32
Is that even necessary, and if so, what are the benefits?
73´s de Robert ....
Upgrade from 0.31 to 0.32 official analog device firmware is not necessary when you flash the datv firmware !
Evariste F5OEO
Hello Adrian, i confirm that the new firmware version of Evariste is based on the 0.32 of Adalm and therefore has several advantages and new commands including the possibility of having a partition to statically write files, in this way it is possible to make changes without recompiling the firmware entirely.
I will be happy to meet you in DATV, i think soon
Roberto IS0GRB
Hello Evariste
I was going from the comments of Roberto above in this thread suggesting that the new firmware was based on 0.32? Hence, I was probably wrong in thinking that the firmware would require it?
Roberto thanks for the SSH commands I will write these in my book so I have them for reference.
Bonjour Roberto,
With the 2408 version, I especially appreciate two functions :
- the spectrum display with the "Click" to set the channel frequency
- the Transverter LO option
As the spectrum display was developed before the Transverter LO, unfortunately the "Click" function doesn't take into account the Transverter LO option if used.
A wish for the next version.
73 qro de michel, hb9dug
Hi Michel the click functionality at the base of the spectrum was not developed directly by me but by F5UII, which i saw corrected yesterday and i think it will be fixed in the next release.
For the transverter LO i am pleased, it is certainly convenient to have the possibility to insert also a frequency not in the list.
Thank you for the report
Roberto IS0GRB
Good afternoon, Evariste has just compiled the new " 2708 " alpha version.
Here are the implementations you will find:
1- Fixed the display of the firmware version, now it is taken from a system file if errors ( Fix by IS0GRB )
2- Added the drop-down menu on the Symbol Rate setting ( IK8XLD's request ) in order to quickly select a change of SR while remaining in the same frequency, it is always possible to insert different SRs ( Add by IS0GRB )
3- Fixed the click bug to set the frequency at the base of the spectrum, now it takes into account any transverter frequency set ( Fix by F5UII )
I always remember that it is an alpha version and as such subject to continuous implementations and corrections, however with Evariste we have tested it several times and it works correctly.
If you notice any anomalies please let us know.
Roberto IS0GRB
tnx all, running ...
Roberto, it would be great if it was possible to to set the power slider below the PTT button line during the next updates....
The power slider is one of the importent contents after the PTT button, and has to be always visible with the spectrum in a small window.
thanks and 73´s
de Robert, DD4YR
Hi Robert could it be okay?
See the attach
yeeeees this would be great!
I don't suppose a PTT in the analysis window is possible?
yeeeees this would be great!
Ok Robert i send you the patch that you can insert through the pluto.php page where you upload the firmware, after rebooting you will have the new page.
The version 2708 must be installed first.
Now i send the change to Evariste to insert it in the next compilation
Roberto IS0GRB
I don't suppose a PTT in the analysis window is possible?
Hi Michael i did not understand the question
Have a PTT in the page where you see the analysis of the TS. Once set up that's where you want to be - or even have the analysis on the same page as the settings that influence it.
Have a PTT in the page where you see the analysis of the TS. Once set up that's where you want to be - or even have the analysis on the same page as the settings that influence it.
Ok i have to work on it, let's see what can be done
Roberto IS0GRB
Ok Robert i send you the patch that you can insert through the pluto.php page where you upload the firmware, after rebooting you will have the new page.
The version 2708 must be installed first.
Now i send the change to Evariste to insert it in the next compilation
73Roberto IS0GRB
HI Robert see the new
It include the power slide at the top and the Disable/Enable Spectrum button (DD0CW's request)
Now I also send this change to Evariste
Roberto IS0GRB