And what is this stuff?
as if so many stations simultaneously activated the carrier
But right now there is no active station
And what is this stuff?
as if so many stations simultaneously activated the carrier
But right now there is no active station
Oh oh, I think I might have woke up the sleeping tumbstone dog, it's back (since this morning / yesterday (?) Sorry for my previous post! ; -)
Today again a strange signal appeared on the NB transponder, the same fingerprint two days ago.
There was a strong Italian speaking station on the frequency and I think it is visible that someone tuned in and started to jam the transponder.
Also possible that someone is completely overdriving his PA, but more likely someone playing with Pluto or LimeSDR settings manually to jam the other station..
You can watch video here: QO100_2019-05-22_Trim.mp4
Yes, we are watching you !
There was also some interference, probably from our friendly radar. Some minutes later it started showing the usual pattern (horizontal lines).
To be honest I think it was deliberate Jamming. It was centred on the Italian station that was 6dB over the beacon and splattering over 10Khz. It started with 'beeps' every two seconds over the Italian station when he went over the beacon level , when that was ignored the sweeping signal started.
DB2OS (and others)
The picture Peter showed I reported on Twitter three days ago. (and was tonight active, see.
To be honest I think it was deliberate Jamming.
Definitely... the same thing just happened a few minutes ago and he was clearly "chasing" some QSO's and trying to disturb them..
Definitely... the same thing just happened a few minutes ago and he was clearly "chasing" some QSO's and trying to disturb them..
Past night same happens to a QSO between EA2CQ and me. Persistent. Fortunately can´t stop our QSO but it was clearly a disturbing method.
Finally time for Leila...
Sad but some OMs are way stronger than the beacon and so other OMs think they have to play Leila themselves.
vy73 DB8TF
Don't think this broad signal is/was intended to play 'Band Police'. I reckon it is merely 'an experiment' to see what impact could be realized on the NB-tpx.
It is clearly a loud signal, I call it the (injection locked) 'microwave oven', but what it is in reality .. no idea.
My friend from PA, that signal was exactly centered to the overpowered station and that was no coincidence.
I read what you write.
Maybe turn off the WebSDR
I observed that yesterday and also previously on some other days..
To me it seems as it's coming from the same Radar noise which appears as a horizontal line on the waterfall every ~10seconds or so...
Before it started the band was almost "noise" free.. than for a few minutes this strange signal moving slowly across the band and than the regular Radar noise appearing as a horizontal line.. perhaps when they are starting the radar?
This week I was QRV (not today, its rainy). I observed always "swerve's" across a few kHz on the Goonhilly WebSDR. What are these strange signals ?
I have also seen these signals, they seem to have a rasping noise. G8AWB
Sounded like an digital and unstable signal. Strong and wide band. S/N of the CW beacon was degraded by more than 10dB! I can confirm what G8AWB heard.
Just observed that LeiLA creates a weak but wide noisesignal when transmitting.
The initial signal that triggered LeiLA (not from me!) was not active during LeiLAs "response" with the noise.
and again the station doing VARA ist causing unnessesary QRM on the NBTP.