MiniTiouner Hardware (F6DZP)
OE3APM - You can do your orders at : fournitures@r-e-f.org
Write in English or in French (better), asking payment method (is Paypal), and informations for shipping.
I wrote a email to the shop:
The kit is no longer available at the moment...
Maybe in january 2020. -
Did you try BATC ? - it's not pre-built but its easy to build.
Did you try BATC ? - it's not pre-built but its easy to build.
All out of stock
All out of stock
I learned that's because of VAT. They have provided so much equipment to members this year due to QO-100 that they are approaching the VAT threshold. I expect things will be back in the new year.
It looks like the MiniTiouner Express does not work with the new Minitiouner software...
MiniTiouner Express still works with MiniTioune_V0_9beta8_9. What new Minituoner software do you mean?
Robert i mean V0_9beta8_9.
I read it in a post...Nice to hear that it will work!!!
according to Noel, G8GTZ, 5 sets of the BATC minitiouner will become available next monday, Dec 4th
I'm looking for a FTS-4335H TV-Module to test my homemade MiniTiouner Pro Board.
I placed my stripped-down MiniTiouner Pro version from F6DZP on a 100x160mm board (Europaboard), which fits into an aluminum box (see component scheme). Since I am not a friend of SMD, I only used wired components.
Does anyone know an inexpensive delivery address of this module?
I'm grateful for any information.
Hi Heiner,
I know the BATC offer. I am looking for a cheaper supplier who can supply me with small quantities at good prices. Obtaining directly from the manufacturer is also possible, but the minimum quantity is too high for me
Dear All,
just an information. I've the Minitiouner V2 Pro, with double USB, primary and secondary. Is it possible to use in some way the second USB Port ? I tryed to use it in a different PC, but Minitioune SW check always the primary port...
Someone has information about the use of the second port ?
Thanks in advance for an answer.
ik4idy Alessio the SW Dualtioune from Jean-Pierre is under development and not finished yet. Many people are waiting for this like you. The only think you can do at the moment is testing both usb ports and all the display and led functions using the program Testmyminitiouner from the SW package V.0.8.
Tu Heiner, unfortunately my suspects became true, I'm waiting...
Thank you.
Hello Piero,
do you have a source for the frame you used for the 2,6" LCD??
Searched of some while ago but couldn't find any. If you created your own is the stl file available somewhere or would you be so kind to make it available ??