Hello Heiner, congrats for success!
You need only one soundcard to receive your own signal during transmitting.
BTW, you can also ad an secondary receive channel via BATC NB Monitor and can take a look of your correct tx frequency ....
And, make a mouse-click in the waterfall, and you get an other better rx-monitor ...
73´s de Robert
started to do a lot of qsos in KG-STV.. It works stable and the overall performance is better than the standard SSTV signal. with the function that you can request the faulty pixels helps a lot of getting good images. I can highly recommend to use KG-STV. the only thing you have do do in the settings is add your callsign and switch in the setting also the image block scan direction to horizontal. Then it is very easy for the receiving station to adjust the qrg to you. I like it very much..and it makes a lot of fun here on QO-100..
Hello friends of digital still image transfer,
KG-STV is great and I have already done some nice QSO with it via
QO-100. However, I have a few more questions:
1.) I can not get my FT-857 in connection with the SCU-17 interface by
KG-STV through PTT control to send. The correct COM-port is set.
Can I intervene with KG-STV somehow deeper into the PTT control than
just selecting the COM port? At the moment I am always pressing the
PTT button of the microphone parallel to KG-STV to go on air ...
Sure, I could turn on VOX, but I do not want that.
In WSJT-X I have no problems with PTT control with the same device.
2.) Is there in KG-STV itself a way to insert text into the images to be sent
or must I always do this with an extra graphics program and then slide
the saved image by drag and drop from the explorer into the
KG-STV TX window ? A bit hectic during a QSO ...
3.) What are your experiences regarding optimal image size for KG-STV?
Really 320x240 as in SSTV?
4.) Has anyone ever tried 4LFSK instead of MSK via QO-100?
2400 baud vs. 1200 baud...
I think that should be easy due to the strong signals...73 de Robert - DL5GAC
Did the download from KG-STV.
The prog is RXing but my IC-7100 does not go in TX, I use the correct com port
then first try to transmit pushing your PTT switch before you start transmision. Also you can check with a Multimeter the Com Port lines weather they change or not..
Hello friends of digital still image transfer,
KG-STV is great and I have already done some nice QSO with it via
QO-100. However, I have a few more questions:
1.) I can not get my FT-857 in connection with the SCU-17 interface by
KG-STV through PTT control to send. The correct COM-port is set.
Can I intervene with KG-STV somehow deeper into the PTT control than
just selecting the COM port? At the moment I am always pressing the
PTT button of the microphone parallel to KG-STV to go on air ...
Sure, I could turn on VOX, but I do not want that.
In WSJT-X I have no problems with PTT control with the same device.
2.) Is there in KG-STV itself a way to insert text into the images to be sent
or must I always do this with an extra graphics program and then slide
the saved image by drag and drop from the explorer into the
KG-STV TX window ? A bit hectic during a QSO ...
3.) What are your experiences regarding optimal image size for KG-STV?
Really 320x240 as in SSTV?
4.) Has anyone ever tried 4LFSK instead of MSK via QO-100?
2400 baud vs. 1200 baud...
I think that should be easy due to the strong signals...73 de Robert - DL5GAC
Point 1.): solved !
My COM-port for PTT is COM 35. KG-STV seems not to handle such high COM-port numbers! Mapped COM 35 to COM 7, now it works.
73 de Robert - DL5GAC
No problem with KGSTV on my Win10 64bit PC here...
Om HB9OAB runs a website where pictures transmitted in KG-STV (and other modes) are shown in near realtime.
Go to: http://hb9oab.no-ip.org/log/activity.htm
Then scroll a little bit down to "SSTV * EASYPAL * KG-STV * REALTIME DECODER", and click
on the link "click for dinamic realtime SDR online SSTVcard received".
Now you can select the mode and when the pictures were received.
For this month e.g. you can see the KG-STV picture here : http://computerclub.no-ip.org/sstv/KG-STV/THIS-MONTH/
73s DB8TF
which editor do you use for picture manipulation ?
I tested some different applications and at the end go with Gimp.
I know it maybe over sized for this but I normally use Lightroom/Photoshop to work with my photos and gimp is similar than photoshop so it was a fast learning curve for me.
As I searched a software allow to add text in a extra layers where I even would be able to edit later, so I can prepare some layouts. I end up with gimp as all other free software I tested didn't satisfy me.
I found my solution:
Graphic manipulation with templates etc. in MMSSTV. The finished picture copied into KG-SDR via Clipboard.
Thanks to F4CYH.
You can open KG-STV twice. Just right click on the KG-STV icon to open a second session. No second soundcard needed. Thats how I decode and monitor my own transmissions. KG-STV ptt only works with com ports 1-9 selected.
just a Newbie-question on KG-STV: How do I have to log a KG-STV-QSO according the used mode, to get it to a valid LotW record!? Do I have to mark it "MSK" (which by the way may logbook-software does not offer)? Or is there an other mode to be used instead? Thanks for your help.
Is there no one logging KG-STV-QSOs out there using a computer log? I can't belive that.
Hello Suitbert,
I did the upload to LoTW with mode IMAGE and to Clublog with mode DATA - so far a few matches...
73 Robert
Hallo Robert,
danke für den Hinweis. Das werde ich mal versuchen! Viel Erfolg noch.73