2.4 GHz bandpass
Nice to know that that those filters work as advertised I was thinking of getting one but then I found a PCB in the OSH Park shared area that the SF2124E fits on... Link
As you can see it was originally intended for the UHF filter but the SF2124E has the same footprint. A word of caution... it really needs hot air or an oven to solder as there isn't really enough copper pad for a soldering iron. Quite a cheap solution though as the PCBs were $1.35 for three plus of course shipping etc.
73 Clive
great catch Clive! Although I probably have the tools to solder this here, I fully admit I went for the 'expensive' 20 USD solution.. but probably after factoring in connectors, case and time it's not so expensive anymore. Good to have both options!
Achim, I do agree re the overall cost. I tend to 'browse' the shared area of OSH Park and grab a few things if I use them for a PCB to try to minimise the impact of carriage fees.
The end result is that I have a couple of spare filters to try with Chinese options and one which was grafted on to a SV1AFN Gali-84+ amplifier board that works nicely between the LimeSDR mini and Spectrian PA.
Not very pretty but it does the job for now!
73 Clive
You can discuss the mechanics if you want, but electrically I like this very much!
Nice to know that that those filters work as advertised I was thinking of getting one but then I found a PCB in the OSH Park shared area that the SF2124E fits on... Link
As you can see it was originally intended for the UHF filter but the SF2124E has the same footprint. A word of caution... it really needs hot air or an
73 Clive
BIG ATTENSION with prices of and lesd time in OSH Park. Download GERBER, chech in JLCPCB, and make order 5 PCB fot 2 USD. Shipping is same price,but lead time 24 hours only. 2-3 days you hsve your order.
Sorry, to big
I made a filter upgrade to my skyworks PA, there is no room for a bigger saw-filter
I must admit to preferring some slightly bigger units, but not for receiver side I am not that clever to design boards.
I built two of these style ID filters for transmit, one is directly out of the SDR unit and another after the pre-drivers just before the main PA, the idea is to reduce any spurs from the SDR or spurs from the pre-driver stages up to about 2 watts.
On the trace I had approx 0.3/0.4 dB insertion loss and the divisions were 50 MHz per division horizontal and 10dB per division vertical.
Any ideas for an band pass filter, that is usable, if LO=2372MHz and IF=28MHz? Should be steep.
Regards, Mike
DL1GNM my dad Dieter DL3NQ designed those back in the 70s:
not *quite* SMD.. but you are asking for a Q of 100 or higher. So this will be rather bulky. There is a reason for not doing low IF frequencies..
Cap Filter?
I´m very happy with mine
Build after reading: http://www.ko4bb.com/ham_radio/Pipe_Cap_Filters/I´m using 2 of them and love em.
Thanks Achim for this description, I've been looking for something like this for a long time.
see here > 13cm Filter 2,3 bis 2,4 GHz Abgleich WB - Transponder
Unfortunately the link is down but i can help, just send a PN.
73s DB8TF
hi Flo!
the software is still available here:
Any ideas for an band pass filter, that is usable, if LO=2372MHz and IF=28MHz? Should be steep.
Regards, Mike
why did you need any filter, if frequencies map is ok? there is many other ways to get 2400,xx without 2372+28.
It is needed because there will be noise at the image frequency. If you do not mind losses you can make an evanescent mode filter very easily. Ideally though don't use a 28 MHz first IF, use something sensible, e.g. somewhere in the 100-500MHz range. It will make filtering much easier.
I wrote before, there is other way, not only 28+2372. if you will see clean signal 2400+/-180 MHz it's ok? it's w/o any filter.